The Collective Podcast

The Team Building Blueprint

February 13, 2024 Next Level Loan Officers Season 1 Episode 249

In this week's podcast episode, Sean Zalmanoff and Landon Hale simplify the process of building your team. They explain why it's crucial to define roles clearly before hiring, why you should stay open-minded when choosing candidates, and why it's smart to invest in early administrative help. Discover how getting involved and ensuring smooth onboarding can really boost your team's success.
 02:10 – Unpacking the Hiring Process
 03:08 – The Role of a Loan Partner
 04:36 – The Importance of Hiring Staff as an Investment
 06:29 – The Impact of Hiring on Business Growth
 08:30 – Determining When to Hire
 09:39 – The Importance of Tracking Number
 14:02 – The Role of a Contracts to Close Coordinator
 22:02 – Knowing Your Numbers and Setting Incentives


Start by hiring administrative support or coordinators to handle tasks efficiently. Having administrative assistance can significantly boost your productivity and allow you to focus on core responsibilities. Sometimes, the best person for the job might not be right around the corner or have the exact background you thought you needed. Being open to different kinds of experiences and locations can lead you to some great hires.

Even as you delegate tasks, remain involved in crucial stages of the process. Clients and partners often expect direct interaction from you, so ensure your presence is felt when needed.

If you've committed to a referral-based business model, prioritize nurturing relationships and maintaining open communication. Regular engagement with clients and partners demonstrates your dedication to providing top-notch service.


" If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
 " When you hire somebody to help you with your business, you got your net that you're pulling through the water and that net. Obviously, it has holes in it. The goal is to tighten those holes so less things slip away. “
" If you ain't tracking your numbers, you can't call yourself even a loan officer. “

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