The Collective Podcast

Thriving Through Adaptation

Next Level Loan Officers Season 1 Episode 253

In this week's podcast, Shane Kidwell, Kyle Draper, and Sean Zalmanoff discuss the shifting importance in the mortgage industry and the need for thoughtful staffing decisions. They emphasize the importance of understanding your worth and hiring based on your expertise. The episode also touches on the benefits of hiring contractors and the need for effective planning and process. 

02:03 - Shifting Importance in the Mortgage Industry

03:26 - Assessing Staffing Needs and Challenges

04:52 - The Scarcity Mindset and Hiring Locally

06:45 - Overcoming the Physicality of the Team

09:30 - Efficiency and ROI in Hiring

12:25 - The First Hire in a Growing Mortgage Company

22:26 - The Importance of Planning and Process

25:42 - Understanding Your Worth and Asking the Right Questions


Embrace the shift towards digital and remote work environments. Recognize that efficiency and productivity can be enhanced through virtual meetings and remote staffing, which also allows for a broader talent pool beyond geographical limitations.

Before hiring, clearly define the roles and responsibilities based on your business needs and personal strengths. This planning phase helps in identifying whether a task requires a full-time employee, a part-time assistant, a contractor, or can be automated through technology.
Recognize the value of your time and expertise. Focus on tasks that you excel at, are passionate about, and that directly contribute to revenue generation. Delegate or outsource tasks that can be performed adequately by others at a lower cost.
For many businesses, especially in the current market, the first hires or outsourced roles should focus on branding, marketing, and social media to enhance lead generation and establish a strong online presence. This approach prioritizes top-of-funnel activities that are essential for growth.


"The reality is that we're so often just trying to put our finger in the hole in the dam. We don't even understand why there's a dam."
 "Be inquisitive and be a learner. And if you're inquisitive with like full humility, like when you get a bill from the IRS for 56 grand, that humbles you even if you're not super humble."

"Whether that's in us, whether that's in yourself, whether that's in both, whether that's in a gym membership, maybe it's investing in Sundays, you know, taking some time with your family, but invest."
 "And we have stronger relationships because we have to be intentional versus the people that just think they're doing a good job because they happen to see their people every day."


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